Thursday, April 19, 2012

News Article- April 19

Enormous Great White Captured

Two commercial fishermen thought they had caught a large school of fish in their nets. Little did they know, they had hooked a twenty foot, two thousand pound great white shark. They caught the shark off of Mexico's Sea of Cortez. By the time the fishermen got the shark to shore, it was dead. It took over an hour to tow the fish back out to sea two miles off the coast. The shark was believed to be preying on squid and sea lions while that close to shore.

I'll repeat myself, I want to swim with a great white shark very desperately. I think it's really awesome that they were able to catch the shark, but it upsets me that it died. I wish the article would've said if it died before or after it was captured. Something tells me that the shark died while being hauled into shore. I really like the length of this article, and I like that it had quotes from the fishermen that caught the shark. I don't know if this is that important, but I do believe that it is newsworthy.

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