Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Facebook Article Reflection

After reading the article and what the young girl went through, I feel differently towards Facebook. Personally, I don't think that schools should be able to get a student's social media password and rummage through their page. If someone was being bullying to a major extent, then the correct legal processes should be drawn up and presented to the student. If the post or whatever it was isn't disrupting the school day or anyone else then nothing should be done. Students have a right to their option, and if they can't let some steam off with a silly Facebook post then what can they do. Schools are already bad enough with privacy invasions as is; hacking into Facebook pages is too far. Personally, I have witnessed a girl get in trouble for a picture put on Facebook. Outside of school, the girl engaged in an illegal activity that 80% of high school students do. The girl wasn't even in the town that she attends high school in, but her 'friend' took a picture of the illegal activity and posted it on Facebook. Another classmate saw the picture and showed it to her mom. The mom then printed the picture off and took it to the principal. The girl was suspended from sports for something that had no direct relation to the school. Granted she was going again the sport's guidelines, but she wasn't in any clothes that represented the school in any way. Facebook has a password so it can be private. No argument should even be brought up against it. The girl in the article has a right to her opinion, and the school has absolutely no right to scare her into giving up her password.

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