Monday, March 12, 2012

News Article- March 12

Crazy Flight Attendant

Flight 2332 took off from Dallas/Fort Worth Airport just like any normal flight would. While en route to Chicago, the American Airline flight attendant lost her marbles. Over the PA system, she announced to passengers that there was a mechanical problem on the plane, and it was going to crash. Passengers 'freaked out' over the attendants 15 minute long speech. The flight attendant continued to rant about the airline's bankruptcy, and was eventually taken to a hospital for treatment.

I like how the article showed all the tweets from the passengers. The article started to ramble on about the companies business problems which I feel like took away from the article. I would have liked to see a picture of the crazy attendant. This makes me a little nervous since I'm flying to Florida on Saturday. :/ As a whole, I liked the article, and I feel like it's more important than Snooki's pregnancy.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder what set the flight attendant off. I am guessing some sort of PTSD episode. Regardless, the attendant probably needs to be removed from duty permanently. I can guarantee that if I was one of the passengers, I would be freaking out as well. I am sure that your flight to Florida will be episode free. Have a nice trip.
