Tuesday, May 15, 2012

News Article- May 15

Swamp "Person" Dies

Mitchell Guist, one of the twins off the hit show Swamp People, died yesterday. Glenn, the other twin, says his brother was a swamper through and through. They lived together and lived off the land. Mitchell suffered from a seizure then fell into the water, although the cause of death is not yet been officially announced. Glenn has already stated he's lost without his brother.

I love this show!! Poor Glenn, now he has to hunt all by himself. This article was relatively short. I liked that there were statements from friends, family, and other reports/witnesses. It made the article seem  more personal. I liked all the pictures of Mitchell, and Glenn's good bye video. I think television stars dying in the swamp is pretty darn newsworthy.

Monday, May 14, 2012

News Article- May 14

N.J. Town Bans Texting and Walking

Fort Lee, NJ, police have begun to issue $85 jaywalking tickets to pedestrians found texting and walking. The police chief claims that texting and walking has become a distraction, and the people aren't watching where they're going. Regardless, there has been three fatal accidents this years involving pedestrians. More than 117 tickets have already been issued.

This is a bit ridiculous. So do we have to stop in the middle of the sidewalk every time we need to send a text message? This article was extremely short and to the point. I was almost struggling to find information on it. I wish there would've been opinions from town officials. As a whole, I found this article pretty outrageous. I think this is pretty newsworthy since it's so outlandish.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

News Article- May 10

Wife Hits Husband Over Vote

A Wisconsin man was hospitalized after he jumped in front of his wife's SUV. Why did he jump? He was attempting to prevent his wife from voting for Gov. Scott Walker. Neighbor's say they had been fighting since the early afternoon. The husband walked in front of the car for a couple of blocks and was on the hood at one point. Shockingly, this isn't their first run in with the law.

That man is psycho. I enjoyed this article, kind of. It was a good length, but nothing super crazy happened besides the husband being ran over. I wish there would've been pictures, so I could get to know these people. I enjoy creeping on crazy couples. Any who, this article is somewhat important, but I know for a fact more important things are going on elsewhere.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

News Article- May 8

Jeter's Odd Obsessions

Derek Jeter is a man of many talents. One of those talents happens to be in cologne. Jeter admitted that his cologne, Driven Black, is inspired by Snoop Dogg's cologne, Cool Waters, after hearing it in a music video. Jeter is also a quick shower kind of guy. In and out was his exact words. Oddly enough, he also irons everything. Odd habits or not, Jeter is taking home over 16 million dollars this year.

I could be satisfied with 16 million dollars. I could be happy with Derek Jeter. This article was really all that interesting, but my obsession with him kept my attention. The article kept showing off steamy pictures of Jeter....teaseeeee. The article was pretty short and mostly talked about his fragrance collection. As a whole, probably not very newsworthy.

Monday, May 7, 2012

News Article- May 7

Drunk British Steal Australian Penguin

Rhys Owen Jones and Keri Mules star in The Hangover, real life addition. They pleaded guilty, on Wednesday, to trespassing, stealing and keeping a protected animal. The pair broke into an Australian theme park to steal a penguin following a pup crawl. Sea World is pressing charges and fining them $1030. On top of stealing the penguin, they also swam with the dolphins and left a fire extinguisher in the shark tank. Their lawyers claims they meant no harm, and took care of it by feeding the penguin and putting him in the shower after waking up hungover.

Does Sea World have very low security?? If drunk people could break in, what could a normal person do? This is probably one of my favorite articles I've researched. The article was a really good length and flowed really well. I think it's awesome that they were able to break in, but it's bad that they but an innocent animal's life in danger. The poor penguin was just chilling in the video; not really knowing what was going on. Personally, I think this is quite newsworthy. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

News Article- May 3

Mom Arrested fir Taking Daughter Tanning

New Jersey is known for big hair and fake tans. One New Jersey mother has been arrested for tanning her daughter. The bad thing is that her daughter is only five years old. Patricia Krentcil is being charged with second-degree child endangerment. Child services claims the daughter has a sunburn but was able to stay in the home with service workers. According to New Jersey law, only teens between the ages of 14-17 can indoor tan with parental consent.

And I thought I was addicted. I think the only way to be for sure is to look at security cameras. It's one person's word against the other. This article was actually somewhat long, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. I do think it is very wrong for moms to tan 5 year old, but this mom claims that she's taken her daughter with her for more than 10 years without there being a problem. I will definitely be following this court case.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

News Article- May 1

Ugly May Day

A mini-riot broke out last night in San Francisco. The riot smashed in windows and damages store fronts of the Mission District. It all started by a ruskus street party put on my protestors. The group was fifty to one hundred protestors deep. All the damage resulted from the cops being slow to respond and not being prepared.

This article was actually pretty long, but it had tons of facts about the riot. I wish there would've been pictures. What's a riot story without pictures?? It's funny that the city blamed it on the police. As a whole, this was a decent article. I'd consider this newsworthy since riots are pretty crazy.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

News Article- April 26

Silly Putty Fun Facts

Most people just think of the floppy goo that you find when you crack open the egg. Little do people know, it was actually a war-time accident. Silly Putty was used in World War II as an adhesive. It's one of the first substances to be classified as a liquid and a solid. They changed the formula so it won't lift print off of newspapers because it's bad for our health. Finally, you can make your own Silly Putty; you only need Elmer's glue.

I'm going to make me some Silly Putty! I honestly thought only duck tape was around for World War II. The article was fairly short, but it covered everything important. I find it interesting that they had to change the Putty's formula which make it less awesome. I know for a fact that the Kardashian's big payday was more interesting, but I wouldn't consider this super newsworthy either.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

News Article- April 24

Prom Queen Fakes Cancer

Angie Gomez attends Da Vinci High School in Texas. That same high school treated her to a prom dress after she missed the school's prom because she had cancer. Fellow students also donated more than $17,000 to her charity. She was arrested on charges of starting a fake charity and falsely claiming to be suffering from leukemia. She's in prison with a bond of $50,000.

Who fakes a deathly disease??? This girl is seriously messed up. I don't know if she did it for the money or attention, but that's so wrong. I liked this article though. It was very informative and a good length. My only question is.....what will happen to all the money from her fake charity?

Monday, April 23, 2012

News Article- April 23

Facebook Busted

Michael Baker is the typical twenty year old from Kentucky. He is now facing charges related to the theft of gas from a police car. While stealing the gas, Baker's girlfriend took a picture and posted it to Facebook. The picture is of Baker flipping off the camera. After being releases on bail, Baker made yet another post to Facebook making jabs at the jail.

This man is so dumb. There's yet another problem with social media in our country. On the other hand, I liked this article's length. Even though it was really choppy, it held my attention. This may not be very important; I think it's dumb/entertainment news.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

News Article- April 19

Enormous Great White Captured

Two commercial fishermen thought they had caught a large school of fish in their nets. Little did they know, they had hooked a twenty foot, two thousand pound great white shark. They caught the shark off of Mexico's Sea of Cortez. By the time the fishermen got the shark to shore, it was dead. It took over an hour to tow the fish back out to sea two miles off the coast. The shark was believed to be preying on squid and sea lions while that close to shore.

I'll repeat myself, I want to swim with a great white shark very desperately. I think it's really awesome that they were able to catch the shark, but it upsets me that it died. I wish the article would've said if it died before or after it was captured. Something tells me that the shark died while being hauled into shore. I really like the length of this article, and I like that it had quotes from the fishermen that caught the shark. I don't know if this is that important, but I do believe that it is newsworthy.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

News Article- April 17

Human Remains Found At Titanic Wreck

The coast guard has reviewed photos in 2004 of Titanic and claim to have found human remains. The picture shows a man's dress coat and boots buried in the mud two and a half miles below the surface. The remains are surrounded by dishes, but researches believe the dishes have spread out quite a bit. Scientists say that the way the boots were placed made them look like they "belonged to a body." The boot is just another reminded of the underwater resting place.

Ha! I knew there were still bodies down there! I really liked this article. It was pretty long, but it held my attention. (I sound so ADHD when I say that.) Even though the ship is in international waters, it should be preserved as long as possible. All these new findings just prove that there are still remains down there, but they should be left to rest in piece. As a whole, I think this article is extremely newsworthy.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

News Article- April 12

Chocolate, vanilla, or pot?

Waldorf, MD, has an anything but usual ice cream truck. The driver is being accused of selling drugs instead of ice cream. Alexander Hoskins was given away by a crime tip about his illegal drugs. Officers found a stash of marijuana as well as an extra bag of cash....in his underwear. The man claims to have been selling drugs for quite some time. Hoskins was selling to teens and young adult by word of mouth. He's been charged, but he is out om bail at this time.

I always got Bugs Bunny at our ice cream truck, not crack! I liked the length of the article. I like that the video showed his truck, and Hoskins being arrested. I think the man is an idiot for thinking he could get away with anything like this. Surprisingly, this article was able to hold my attention. Is it newsworthy? I think so, but there are a lot more important crimes happening around the world.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

News Article- April 10

Bubba's Home For Sale

As you may know, Bubba is the new PGA Master's Champion. He is also telling his North Carolina lake home. The realtor, Time Taylor, claims his phone has been ringing off the hook. The waterfront house has been on the market since February, and it is currently listed at $1.45 million dollars. Sadly, there have been no offers.

I think it's funny that his house if famous after he wins the Master's. Personally, the realtor sounded overly cocky when he continued to say that the house would sell without a doubt. I don't know if anyone can afford a million dollar home in this economy. As a whole, I don't really think this article was very important, but there was nothing else that caught my attention.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

News Article- April 5

Suicidal Baseball Player??

Stephen Grant is your typical high school student. He's the star pitcher of his baseball team, and a possible first round MLB draft pick. He even was accepted in Vanderbilt. So what went wrong?? Police found Grant thirty feet from the road with a possibly self inflicted gun shot wound. Police are still investigating to make sure it was suicide.

I think that suicide involved with any high schooler is a shock. It makes me sad that the Vanderbilt coach released a statement about how his heart went out to Grant's family. The fact that he lived in a small town makes it hit home a little bit more. I found the article to be an appropriate length and easy to read. It doesn't surprise me that his family didn't have anything to say; they're still mourning. I don't know if I'd like my death published on Yahoo, so I don't really think this article should have been in the news.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

News Article- April 3

Ex-Bengals Cheerleader

Sarah Jones, at one time a captain for the Cincinnati Ben-Gals, is accused of sexually abusing a student. Even worse, she is a high school teacher, and her mother, the middle school principal, is being accused of tampering with evidence to her daughter's case. Sarah Jones used electronics to induce a minor into sexual activity. The mother is being suspended from her job, and both women have been arrested. On the flip side, the minor's parents are supporting Sarah and her family. The county attorney is still prosecuting Jones though because they claim to have sufficient proof to move forward.

I am mildly in love with this article. (That sounds bad, rewind....) I like that this article wasn't just one sided. It was a very good length that held my attention. I like that it quoted both the mother and daughter as well as spokespersons for both parties. Personally, I would've dropped the case after the minor's parents supported the enemy, but that the county attorney's call. I like that Sarah has kept her mouth shut and hasn't been tweeting/Facebooking/or bashing the situation publicly. I find this article to be extremely news worthy.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

News Article- March 29

Monster Rats

A decade long battle is being lost. The Florida Keys have been trying to wipe out the Gambian rats that have overrun their towns. The problem started after a local breeder released eight giant rats into the wild. The rats are the largest known breed in the world. The town thought they had killed all the rats as of 2009. Farmers are concerned about the rats reaching Florida's mainland and destroying crops. Local officials have baited over 200 traps with cantaloupe and peanut butter in hopes of destroying a mass majority of them.

I like that the article showed a picture of the rats, but I think two is enough. The article was a good length and very informative. It's awesome that next year on my trip to Florida I could be fighting giant rats. I like that they're actually doing something to stop the problem. I think that giant rats possibly taking over a town is pretty important.

News Article-March 27

Strange Sea Creature Spotted

A possibly new species of sea creature washed up on Folly Beach, South Carolina, last weekend. The creature may look dangerous, but it is actually harmless. A vet from the South Carolina aquarium classified it as a sturgeon. This sturgeon can grow up to be 15 feet long and 80 pounds. Sadly, the sturgeon was recently placed on the endangered species list because it is a popular source of caviar.

This creature is messed up! The article was fairly short, but it covered everything important. I like that the article was very clear on its classifications and technical terms. I like that the article included multiple pictures. I think that discovering a new species is very newsworthy.

Monday, March 26, 2012

News Article-March 26

Creeping Husband Arrested 

Doyle Hardwick was browsing Facebook late one night when he asked his wife not to sit next to him. The wife insisted that she didn't want to sit anywhere else. The husband thought that giving the wife eight beers would make her fall asleep, but that didn't work. Doyle thought that the police would make her fall asleep since he thought it was an evasion of privacy. In reality, Doyle got arrested for misusing 911, and it wasn't the first time.

I thought this article was pretty short, but it covered everything. I wish there would've been a picture of the couple, so I could've known them. That just shows how Facebook can get people in trouble, again. I don't know if I'd consider a domestic abuse case very newsworthy. I think it's important for people to be informed, but I don't know if this article was that important.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

News Article- March 15

Beat by Bieber?

Justin Bieber is known whole wide as a teenage heartthrob, but now is can be considered an abuser. Michael Nuanes Jr.'s girlfriend beat after an argument with a Justin Bieber doll. He claims that she picked up the doll and started chucking it at him. The girlfriend fought back in saying that in January Nuanes pulled out her hair, beat her, locked her in the bathroom, and hit her with the bathroom door. The boyfriend alleged forced the girlfriend to change her Facebook relationship status or else. Nuanes was arrested but released, and the girlfriend has fled to a friend's house.

At first I didn't think this article would be very good. It was a short article and very easy to read. I like that they didn't release the girlfriend's name. That would humiliate her. I think the girlfriend threw the doll out of sheer self defense. I know that I would definitely fight back if my boyfriend was abusing me mentally and physically. I feel sympathy for the poor girl. As a whole, I really liked this article, and I do believe that people should be aware of this.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Facebook Article Reflection

After reading the article and what the young girl went through, I feel differently towards Facebook. Personally, I don't think that schools should be able to get a student's social media password and rummage through their page. If someone was being bullying to a major extent, then the correct legal processes should be drawn up and presented to the student. If the post or whatever it was isn't disrupting the school day or anyone else then nothing should be done. Students have a right to their option, and if they can't let some steam off with a silly Facebook post then what can they do. Schools are already bad enough with privacy invasions as is; hacking into Facebook pages is too far. Personally, I have witnessed a girl get in trouble for a picture put on Facebook. Outside of school, the girl engaged in an illegal activity that 80% of high school students do. The girl wasn't even in the town that she attends high school in, but her 'friend' took a picture of the illegal activity and posted it on Facebook. Another classmate saw the picture and showed it to her mom. The mom then printed the picture off and took it to the principal. The girl was suspended from sports for something that had no direct relation to the school. Granted she was going again the sport's guidelines, but she wasn't in any clothes that represented the school in any way. Facebook has a password so it can be private. No argument should even be brought up against it. The girl in the article has a right to her opinion, and the school has absolutely no right to scare her into giving up her password.

News Article- March 13

Deathly Vitamins

Some of the vitamins that have been considered healthy are now being considered the cause for such diseases. Vitamin A and E what was once linked to preventing cancer is now 17% more likely to contract cancer. Vitamin C helps fight cold, but if too much vitamin C is taken it can do the opposite. It can actually cause you to catch a cold. Researchers are working on finding the downside to other vitamins, but the process could take up to a year to complete.

I like that the article listed all the different forms of each vitamin. It makes sense that too much of a substance can harm our bodies. The article was a good length, and it held my attention for most of it. Of all the things going on right now, I feel like this is pretty important. I could consider our healthy to be worthy of being in the news.

Monday, March 12, 2012

News Article- March 12

Crazy Flight Attendant

Flight 2332 took off from Dallas/Fort Worth Airport just like any normal flight would. While en route to Chicago, the American Airline flight attendant lost her marbles. Over the PA system, she announced to passengers that there was a mechanical problem on the plane, and it was going to crash. Passengers 'freaked out' over the attendants 15 minute long speech. The flight attendant continued to rant about the airline's bankruptcy, and was eventually taken to a hospital for treatment.

I like how the article showed all the tweets from the passengers. The article started to ramble on about the companies business problems which I feel like took away from the article. I would have liked to see a picture of the crazy attendant. This makes me a little nervous since I'm flying to Florida on Saturday. :/ As a whole, I liked the article, and I feel like it's more important than Snooki's pregnancy.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

News Article- March 8

Spiders Take Over The Town

Wolf spiders have taken over an Australian town after a recent flood. The flood has forced some 8,000 residents from their homes. The town of Wagga Wagga, New South Wales has this spider problem because the spiders are hiding from the water. The water levels are decreasing, so the spiders will soon be returning to their underground homes. Surprisingly, the spiders are helping the people by eating all the spiders.

I found this article to be extremely informative. The article was long, but it held my interest. I really like all the pictures and quotes from researchers. I found it interesting that this is one of the largest spider migrations ever to be documented. As a whole, I found this article to be very newsworthy since an entire town has been taken over.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

News Article- March 6

Snooki Flashes Engagement Ring

Nicole 'Snooki' Pilozzi hasn't publicized her engagement yet, but she is wearing a giant diamond ring. She also hasn't addressed her pregnancy rumors with boyfriend Jionni LaValle. She was spotted wearing her ring when her and J-Woww went to the pet store together. Rumor has it that her pregnancy could damage her MTV spin-off show chances. Producers say that nobody likes to watch a sober Snooki.

I think it's funny how obsessed we are with Snooki's life. The article was fairly long but decent. It rambled a little bit. I like that there were tons of 'baby bump' pictures......fake! I just think that people should leave her alone, and let her handle her private business privately. It was a good news article, but I wouldn't consider this the most important thing happening in the news today.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

News Article- March 1

Girl Benched For "I Love You"
A Wisconsin girl was banned from her upcoming basketball games. Miranda Washinawatok is a middle schooler at Sacred Heart School. She was punished in front of her peer for saying 'I love you' in her her native language of Menominee. The teacher got upset because she couldn't understand what she was saying. The teacher may suffer concequences. I find extremely wrong for the teacher to yell at the girl. The article was long and didn't hold my attention. I wish the girl would have been interviewed. I think the mom is right to fight for her daughter. It was a good article but not my favorite.

News Article- Feb. 28, 2011

Hit Man For Hire

What would you expect to find at hitmanforhire.net? Obviously the chance to be in contact with a killer. The man that was hired to make the website thought it was a joke or something out of a movie. Well, it might even become a movie. A production company has been in contact with the 'hit man' about future plans. So how did this hit man aquire his skills? Google of course. Yes he searched Google for what weapons and actions to use. The hit man is in jail in Mississippi and could be released as early as Nov. 2013.

I honestly loved this article. The article was a really good length and had some really good information. I wish a picture of the hit man would have been available. I find it hilarious that books and movies are being made about this guy. The article claims that he might have created the site to be funny, or he may just be crazy, in my opinion. I find this article to be very newsworthy. :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Two Thousand Closest Friends

Recently in my Media Communication class, we have been studying Facebook and almost everything associated with it. We were assigned a paper over our views of Facebook.....so here it is. Enjoy!

"My Two Thousand Closest Friends"
            Sam and Becky broke up; Susan got in trouble for her scandalous pictures, and your boyfriend is in a picture with another girl. Facebook has changed how people interact and communicate all around the world. Over the past few weeks, I have been studying the pros and cons of Facebook, and how it was created. Many people contributed to a large aspect of our lives today, but only Mark Zuckerberg is really credited. Newspaper articles, blogs, and even movies have all been composed on the basis of Facebook. Personally, I think Facebook has changed the world for the better, even if a few people got burned in the end.
            Many new articles have been focused around the topic of social media. Williams, an anchor for NBC Nightly News, and Wurster, a writer, both have agreed to disagree on some ideas surrounding Facebook. Williams’s article tells readers that we live in a world more focused on ourselves. This ‘me, me, me’ world has made it acceptable to celebrate only the winners. We are only rewarding the people that make millions, and not the people that helped them get there. Williams also says that we have so many choices, and because of those choices we have a hard time balancing our lives. On top of that, he states that we don’t always know what we ‘need’ to know, and that we could miss the next great book or idea because we are so wrapped up in social media. We are at risk of scrolling over the next Picasso, or unfriending a future novelist. On the other hand, Wurster thinks that Facebook is more than just mindless gazing at a computer screen. She agrees with Williams on the ‘me’ aspect, but she also believes that Facebook is a new medium for extended communication. She says that the expanded sights can lead to more knowledge that we could have potentially never have found on our own. Personally, I think they both had solid points, but I am leaning more towards Wurster’s article. Williams had excellent points, but I feel like Wurster’s article was more relatable to kids around my age. Williams’s article is more relatable to college graduate students not the kids that stay up until three in the morning constantly refreshing Facebook. She talked about the promiscuous pictures and the verbal attacks that happen daily in every high school.  She just seemed more relatable to young adults. Both Williams and Wurster know a thing or two about social media, and both articles depict so.
            How many websites can say they had a movie made over the creation of said website? Facebook can. Most people could probably care less about how Facebook was created, but I have my own opinions. The movie, The Social Network, shows how Mark Zuckerberg went from a Harvard student to a billionaire. Along the way, the movie changed some details to keep an audience’s attention for two hours. They portrayed Zuckerberg as a bad, conniving person that was only interested in helping himself. In real life, I don’t think he is that bad of a guy, but nobody likes a nice guy. After reading a few articles, I also found out that the movie’s plot wasn’t always factual. Changing a few parts or over exaggerating wasn’t unusual. The movie claims that Zuckerberg created Facebook because he got the idea from twin brothers at Harvard, but a news article claims that Zuckerberg created the site because he enjoys building things. Many lessons could be learned from The Social Network. Lesson number one: just because you have an idea doesn’t mean nobody else can have a similar idea. After the Winklevoss twins decided to sue, Eduardo demanded answers from Zuckerberg who snottily replied with, “Just because a guy makes a nice chair doesn’t mean he owes money to anyone whoever made a chair.” I couldn’t agree more. If the Winklevoss’s had this genius idea and had access to so much money then they should have acted on their own. They can’t blame Zuckerberg for making their minuscule idea global. If Zuckerberg wasn’t working on coding Facebook then he was checking the site. Facebook spread to many countries in its second year. Eduardo stated, “Bosnia, they don’t have roads, but they have Facebook.” How does that happen? Could it be because we rely on social media sites to keep us connected with extremely remote areas that don’t have ways of communication other than Facebook? That just proves how influential Facebook was around the world. Also, the movie has scenes were Zuckerberg is trying to be funny, but he just ends up coming off as an arrogant college kid. I think the movie was a little more fantasy than factual, but no one wants to sit through two hours of pure facts. Either way you view it, Zuckerberg is a genius for creating something so widely used today.
            Facebook can be good or bad. Many people only choose to see the bad in things sometimes. People believe that we spend way too much time on Facebook. Whether it’s uploading photos or ‘creeping’ on our crush, we are constantly using Facebook. On top of that, scandalous pictures are being posted hourly. Even kids in a small school like Oskaloosa, KS, have become victims to over exposure on the Internet. Plus, social media sites are a major source of cyber bullying, and nobody wants to stand up for himself or herself anymore. This was emphasized in the movie, Social Network: “The Internet wasn’t written in pencil; it’s written in ink.” Especially today, we need to watch what we say more than ever. Cursing or profanity can come back to hurt us in the long run when we are applying for dental school or law school.  The verbal attacks can be a cause of security breaches and not being able to protect young people. Granted the site asks for an age, but everyone lies about that because everyone wants Facebook. Everyone can relate to my next point. You’re walking down the pasta aisle in the supermarket, but you can here Sonja six aisles over complaining about how her husband left her and isn’t playing child supports. Sonja has also had six, sappy status updates about it because she feels like she deserves attention. Too many people are displaying personal problems that should be dealt with privately. If I ever posted a bad picture, cyber bullied, or openly talked about family problems on Facebook, I wouldn’t be able to walk. Those are unsaid rules that shouldn’t have to be addressed, ever.
            On the other side, Facebook has many positive attributes. Facebook has lowered barriers of distance, culture, and physical appearance. Wurster even stated, “it can also be an icebreaker for face-to-face interactions.” It’s just a truly great way to stay connected. You can meet new people, and you have many choices on how to do so. Facebook is also a place to share and collect knowledge on many different outlooks. You can personalize your page to fit your personality. Background colors, banner photos, and profile pictures can be changed as often as your mood changes. That’s what I like about Facebook. I have the option to let certain people only see what I want them to see, or I can let everyone see everything. I have nothing to hide; that’s why I accept aunts, uncles, and grandparents since they mean well. I think that if you use Facebook how it was intended to be used and don’t abuse it then you have done your job for the day. Only you can decide if Facebook is good or bad.
            Facebook has considerably changed the world, as we know it. We are able to see loved ones in Iraq, or how Aunt Marge’s cruise to the Bahamas is going. Clearly, Facebook has made connecting with people more flexible. We don’t have to mess with snail mail or fret over telegrams. We have the power to openly communicate at our fingertips. Williams and Wurster has excellent points on their views of Facebook with many people adding to their ideas today. Williams claims that we’ll miss the next great thing while Wurster challenges the idea of mindless gazing. In addition, viewing the film taught me both business and life lessons. Surprisingly, The Social Network is more than just a story about a college student. It’s about how a college student changed social media, forever. Just like anything else, Facebook will have advantages and disadvantages, but we decide what we put out there and who sees it. Nobody is forcing us to update a status about your best friend cheating on her boyfriend, and nobody makes us upload pictures of high school kids drinking at Ricky’s house. Facebook makes us responsible for our own actions, and that’s the thing I like most about it. Facebook is personal but also public.